
Saturday, September 15, 2007

AMDA - Assistant Project Coordinator

AMDA (The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia)

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Vacancy Announcement

AMDA (The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia) is a Japanese NGO working for rehabilitation of tsunami affected communities in Banda Aceh & Aceh Besar through psychosocial activities for children who are/were in displacement. We invite applications from nationals of Republic of Indonesia for the following challenging position for our Banda Aceh Head Office.

Assistant Project Coordinator

1. To be responsible for psychosocial activities for children in barracks/transition al shelters/permanent house compounds in Banda Aceh & Aceh Besar by planning, conduction, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.
2. To assist Project Director and Project Coordinator.
3. To coordinate with other international/ local stakeholders.

All applicants should satisfy the following criteria:
1. Experience in similar scope of work for 3 – 5 years
2. Experience in management for 3 – 5 years
3. Experience as a trainer (trainers to trainer, peer to peer, capacity building/developmen t) for 3 – 5 years
4. Excellent knowledge in English and Indonesian, both speaking and writing
5. Excellent skills in PC operation, such as using MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Access and graphic software, and obtaining & analyzing information through Internet and exchanging emails
6. Having experience in working with an international agency/organization
7. Being able to work punctually & systematically under Japanese ways of discipline

Interested candidates are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including their address and telephone number (and email address, if any) under confidential cover addressed to Ms Mio Kajita, Project Coordinator, AMDA Banda Aceh Head Office, Jl. Paya Umeet, Lr. Mon Nibong No. 10, Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh, to reach on or before September 21, 2007. Interview will be granted in English only for the short-listed candidates.
No prior inquiry on the application and the selection of the candidates is accepted

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