
Friday, September 26, 2008

Gender Review Consultant

The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization´s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit www.redcross. org/tsunamirelie f

The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh, Calang, Lamno. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta, and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.

The American Red Cross seeks dynamic individuals to fill the :

POSITION : Gender Review Consultant
No of Hired : 1 Person
Base of Assignment : Banda Aceh
Type of contract : Profesional Service / Consultant

1. Summary:

This document summarizes the tasks to be performed under a consultancy for carrying out a gender review within the Indonesia delegation of American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (ARC-TRP)

American Red Cross-Tsunami Recovery Program (ARC-TRP) is committed to adopt and promote gender equity principles throughout its operation. To allow ARC management to see the progress and be able to capture the lessons from the strategy implementation in the past years as well as make decision on further steps required to improve the achievement, the gender unit of ARC-TRP will be conducting a gender review in the month of October this year. Through the gender review, ARC Indonesia delegation also seeks to promote organizational learning at the individual and delegation level on how to effectively implement gender mainstreaming strategy.

The consultant will lead and assist with the assessment to see the extent to which gender has successfully been mainstreamed in American Red Cross.

2. Background:
ARC-TRP Gender mainstreaming strategy
American Red Cross as a part of the Red Cross Red Crescent movement has been one of the humanitarian organization on the first days to respond to the December 26, 2004 tsunami, it has been engaged in the recovery activities targeting tsunami-affected communities in Indonesia. The ARC tsunami recovery program envisions to support an enduring recovery for tsunami-affected people, where community enjoy rebuilt physical infrastructure, restored social network, quality health services, and vibrant economies and are prepared for future disaster. Its mission is to build on the strength of the communities, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and other partner to restore and improve the lives of tsunami-affected people. The mission and vision of TRP are further informed by its organizational values, derived from seven Fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality,
Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality.

Gender mainstreaming strategy within American Red Cross TRP Indonesia seeks to achieve two main objectives:
1. Objective 1: Increase awareness of gender equity issues among ARC staff and partners that will foster gender equity throughout the organization.

2. Objective 2: Ensure that gender equity is incorporated into organization sectors/programs

American Red Cross-Tsunami Recovery Program (ARC-TRP) is committed to adopt and promote gender equity principles throughout its operation. The rationale for integrating a gender perspective in the activities of the American Red Cross TRP Indonesia lies in the Red Cross and Red Crescent humanitarian mandate - to prevent and alleviate human suffering without discrimination. In evident to this commitment, as of April 2007, ARC-TRP has developed a gender strategy to guide the delegation in mainstreaming those principles into all walks of the organization and adopted gender equity as one of its cross cutting theme. Since then, a lot of efforts have been made to implement the strategy such as socialization of gender policy and organizing gender awareness and analysis training to ARC staff, management and partners, as well as working with project managers to review their project documents and develop checklists that helps the team to ensure the compliance,

To allow ARC management to see the progress and be able to capture the lessons from the strategy implementation in the past years as well as make decision on further steps required to improve the achievement, the gender unit of ARC-TRP will be conducting a gender review in the month of October this year. Through the gender review, ARC Indonesia delegation also seeks to promote organizational learning at the individual and delegation level on how to effectively implement gender mainstreaming strategy.

A primary component of this review will be to examine how American Red Cross has been progressing with its gender mainstreaming strategy

IndonesiaDelegation Programmings:

The Indonesia Delegation of the ARC is directly implementing a significant number of projects that fall under a number of priority sectors, including:
1. Health
2. Water and Sanitation
3. Psychosocial Programming
4. Disaster Management

The followings are the summary of ARC TRP projects that are currently underway;
a) Health
Community-Based First Aid
Aceh Jaya, Banda Aceh, Bireuen, Sabang
To significantly strengthen the capacity of 140 target communities to prevent and manage injuries and common health problems in emergencies and non-emergencies; and promote healthy behavior to127,000 people.
Implementing Partner: PMI

Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
All coastal districts except Nagan Raya, Aceh Tamiang and Sabang
To improve the nutritional well-being of mothers and children via MCHCs and school-based feeding activities. Nearly 5,000 metric tonnes of fortified biscuits and noodles distributed to 348,161 school children and 115,943 pregnant women, mothers and under-5s. Training of 3,811 health cadres and 1,437 teachers in: nutrition promotion and complementary activities, including hand-washing campaigns in 1,122 MCHCs and 811 schools.
Implementing Partner: WFP and PMI

Avian and Human Influenza Preparedness and Prevention
Aceh, North Sumatra, Banten, Lampung and DKI Jakarta provinces
Campaigns to promote proper hygiene and handling of poultry in wet markets and small chicken farms, targeting 400,000 high-risk individuals in 46 districts, including in Aceh.
Implementing Partner: PMI

SocialMobilization Capacity Buildingand Support
Across all of Aceh province
Community mobilization to reduce communicable diseases, improve health and improve attendance at several Government & UN health campaigns, including National Immunization Day, World Aids Day and Malaria Free Aceh. Training 78 PMI staff and volunteers in 7 branches in social mobilization skills to reach 150,500 people.
Implementing Partner: PMI

b) Water and Sanitation (WatSan)
Aceh Besar Aceh Jaya, Aceh Timur, Aceh Utara, Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, Pidie, Sabang
To provide permanent water supplies to over 13,000 households and permanent sanitation systems with over 9,000. Assisting communities to establish trained Village Water and Sanitation Committees, for long-term, local involvement in construction, maintenance. Hygiene promotion to reinforce healthy practices and prevent disease.
Implementing Partners: IOM and British, Canadian, German, Hong Kong PNSs

c) Disaster Preparedness
Integrated Community-Based Risk Reduction
Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Aceh Jaya, Sabang
Work with 126 villages to identify risks, vulnerabilities, underlying capacities, to reduce future disaster impacts; their Community Disaster Management Committees are implementing disaster preparedness activities. Training of: Community-Based Action Teams to lead their communities after a disaster; teachers in 75 schools to guide students during an emergency and effectively and creatively educate them about disasters; PMI to increase disaster management capacity at all levels + TA.
Implementing Partner: PMI

d) Psychosocial Support
Integrated Community-Based Psychosocial Support
Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya
Helping communities in 137 villages and 154 schools facilitate their own recovery, by strengthening local capacity to meet psychosocial needs, via individual, group activities, and training PMI staff and volunteers, community leaders and teachers. Over 1,065 community members and teachers trained to design and facilitate psychosocial activities.
Implementing Partner: PSP: PMI

In addition, we are also working with a number of partners that have been selected based on individual expertise that are aligned with ARC´s objectives as well as previously determined community needs.

3. Consultancy Purpose & Objective:

The consultant will assist Indonesia delegation to conduct the review as one way of revealing where ARC strength lie and which procedure may require adjustment to ensure that the official procedures themselves do not undermine gender mainstreaming strategy.

The findings from this gender review will serve as baseline information that will form a basis to plan further actions and area of support required. Review will be not a one-off activity but it will be done on a more regular basis in the future (i.e. on annual basis).

1. Review Topic:

1. Culture and structure
2. Human resources practice and policies
3. Programmes

5. Methodology:
The methodology will be participatory that leads to self-assessment, learning and change for everyone who involved both as individual and team staff and volunteer of the ARC as a whole. Some methods include:
1. document review
2. FGD with staff, volunteer, beneficiaries
3. Closed questionnaires
4. SWOT analysis
5. Key informant interview

1. Expected Output:

As a result of the gender review, the American Red Cross expected to be in possession of an action plan that will stipulate the way towards an improvement of ARC-Indonesia delegation´s role in mainstreaming gender equity and encompass a gender capacity building plan for American Red Cross staff and volunteer.

7. Scope of Works

The key responsibilities of the gender reviewer include leading the development of gender review framework with methods, tools and technique, management of gender review process, ensuring adherence of ToR, report writing and dissemination. S/he will be responsible for an overall coordination with the American Red Cross gender officer in order to harmonize outputs and requirement of the reports.

Main gender review activities:

1. To carry out an review of Gender mainstreaming strategy within American Red Cross-Tsunami Recovery Program
2. To identify potential gaps between outlined strategy and actual practices from the gender review perspective
3. To recommend practical means for increasing the gender equity focus of current and future program policies, plans and activities
4. To examine documents, procedures and process of ARC-TRP office with respect to gender sensitivity and gender balance in recruitment, promotion, training and turnover of ARC staff.
5. To assess and analyze gender knowledge, attitude and awareness of relevant; resulting in gender capacity building plan.

1. Data set from the interviews
2. Review report and recommendation


The gender reviewer should preferably have an advanced university degree in gender, development studies, social science or other relevant disciplines, with specialized training in areas such as gender review, gender mainstreaming, quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.

Specialized experiences and/or technical knowledge
* Design and management of gender review processes, including multiple stakeholder
* Experiences in gender review
* Experiences in gender review in program management
* Gender mainstreaming in development programmes
* 5-10 years experiences in gender field
* Social science research
* Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis
* Previous experiences in a leading a team

Personal Skill
* Strong analytical and report writing (English) skill
* Leadership, team work and conflict resolutions skill
* Capability to bring together diverse stakeholders
* Report writing in English

Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to hr@amredcross. org put Job title in Subject line. Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after October 10, 2008 will not be considered.

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