
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Call for proposal - Youth Economic Empowerment

Plan Indonesia will soon be rolling out a Youth Economic Empowerment program. The
programs primary objective is to increase employment opportunities for
disadvantaged female youth 15-24 years old who are out of school. The program is
holistic in nature and will provide life skills training before youth move into one
of two tracks--an employment track leading to formal jobs with identified employers,
or an entrepreneur track where youth will establish micro enterprises based on value
chain and sub-sector analysis. In concert with these activities, Plan will be
supporting the establishment of microfinance services in target areas. Key
principles of the Youth Economic Empowerment program will include sustainability,
scale up and youth participation in the program.

In order to support this process Plan is seeking qualified consultants to analyze
the youth employment situation in Indonesia and identify a partner that can provide
life skills, vocational and entrepreneurial training to youth.

Consultants should fulfill our minimum requirements :

Masters degree in economics or related field
Advanced knowledge and understanding of the youth employment situation in Indonesia
Knowledge and experience on the rights based approach to development
Experience in program analysis and design.
Excellent English skills, particularly writing skills.

This opportunity is open both for consulting firms and individual consultants both
Indonesian or Foreign Consultant. Interested consultant should send their documents
to sheliagus.suyadi@ plan-internation, and attach documents including :
- CV of key personnel
- Example of past work
- Work Plan/time line
- Detailed budget

Deadline for submission is June 19th , 2009, and all documentation/ materials should
be written in English. Short-listed consultants will be contacted by June 23th ,
2009. Those that are not short-listed, have not been selected.

For those who interested and look forward to read the detail TOR, please contact me
by email at sheliagus.suyadi@ plan-internation

Thank you very much for your attention.

Best regards,

Sheliagus Suyadi
Micro Enterprise Development Specialist
Plan Indonesia
Gd. Menara Duta Lt. 6 Wing A
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.B-9-Kuningan
Jakarta 12910 - Indonesia
Phone : 021-5229-566, Fax : 021-5229-571
Email : sheliagus.suyadi@ plan-internation
Web : http://www.plan- international. org

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