
Monday, February 20, 2012

Consultant Baseline Survey for PEDP

Oxfam is a leading aid, development, and campaigning charity with a 
worldwide reputation for excellence and over 60 years of experience. Our 
purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting 
solutions to poverty. Be part of a dynamic working environment.

We are looking for Consultant of Baseline Survey of the Papua Enterprise Development Program (PEDP).


Despite its vast potential, Papua maintains some of the worst poverty indicators in all of Indonesia. The Papua Enterprise Development Programme will have a long-term positive impact on the lives of poor, indigenous women and men in the highlands region. It will benefit up to 10,000 people through agricultural and business improvements. With support from the programme, these beneficiaries will increase their output, produce higher-value goods, and reach more markets.

By focusing on the following areas, the programme will support growers to market cash crops that they are already producing: 
1 Improving farming techniques for the production of commodities such as vegetables, coffee and vanilla;
2 Improving processing and preservation techniques;
3 Enabling access to micro-scale financial services;
4 Increasing access to markets;
5 Increasing government and private sector support for Papuan business enterprises.

The Papua Enterprise Development Programme (PEDP) was designed based on Oxfam's previous livelihood projects in some areas in Papua, which has identified key issues around sustainable business enterprises in Papua, as well as women's participation and involvement in decision making and leadership.

On the first year of PEDP, it is important for program to have adequate data as a benchmark to measure program progress. In relation to this, a baseline study regarding community livelihood activities, profitable communities' agricultural commodities, gender analysis, etc, are needed to deliver a clear picture of community economic situation in the geographic locations of this programme; Jayawijaya, Nabire, Paniai, Jayapura and Serui. 

Purpose of this consultancy

1. Read and be familiar with the Papua Enterprise Development Programme (PEDP) planning, the desired outcomes and anticipated outputs;
2. Design a baseline study for the PEDP for implementation in the designated geographic areas using the agreed Oxfam methodology. This will involve:
• With close reference to the PEDP plan, work with Oxfam staff to develop questions for survey and interview to ensure quality data is gathered from all identified stakeholders of PEDP;
• Ensure quality controls are in place to check data and ensure good practice is followed;
3. Oversee and coordinate the implementation of the baseline study within the agreed time frame;
4. Use the agreed methodology for the study adapting where appropriate and in consultation with Oxfam;
5. Train and coordinate staff, partners and selected local people as teams of baseline enumerators in each project area;
6. At the conclusion of the study produce a detailed report which provides analysis of:
• women and men's social and economic condition in each geographic area.
• the roles of women in livelihood activities and their roles in building community enterprises;
• The sustainability of the program in the community
• The capacity of each partner local government to support on-going community enterprise development.

Expected results

A final baseline report which provides concise analysis of:
• the social and economic conditions of Papuan women and men in each project area;
• current economic activities including production, income, markets;
• the capacity of partners to be useful resources for their local communities;
• the capacity and potential of local government to support and facilitate future economic/enterprise activities.

This report must enable Oxfam to establish baselines from which future programme results can be measured and reported on. The analysis should assist Oxfam to answer several questions:
• what should Oxfam's approach, strategy and plan be with PEDP to address any of the findings and problems identified in this study?
• opportunities and approach to support women;
• increased sustainability.

Expression of interest

Oxfam (PEDP) is seeking the expression of interest from institution or individual. The application includes a 6-page proposal plus the CV, which describe:
1. scope of work (outline of key activities and timeline, by referring to the above TOR);
2. plan and schedule for implementing the baseline which must include ; application of the methodology with proposed changes presented, training programme for enumerators, quality checks;
3. overall costs including fee-rates, travel costs, etc. 

The consultant is expected to meet the following qualifications and skills:
1. relevant education background or substituted by an extensive amount of experience;
2. at least 5 years experience in management of a cooperation, community's small enterprise development, agriculture production and marketing; 
3. previous experience with development and implementing a baseline study;
4. ability to interact with diverse stakeholders in Papua context; 
5. sound understanding and proven track records in gender mainstreaming and women's economy empowerment;
6. demonstrated writing skills;
7. fluently in Bahasa Indonesia.
The deliverables will be discussed and negotiated as part of the expression of interest process, and will be based on the requirements identified in the scope of services that should include:
1. pre-mission briefing (2 pages maximum), outlining the activities to be done, application of Oxfam methodology, tools proposed (if any) and the justification of the selected method/tools, and also work-plan for field work; 
2. survey and interview questions and sampling method;
3. training plan for enumerators;
4. a final report (20 pages maximum excluding annexes) outlining activities carried out, results and their analysis, recommendations for further actions, as well as pictures of activities. The draft report should be submitted to Oxfam Papua Office 1 week at the latest after the mission completed.

The final report of the consultancy service will be written in Indonesian and English language. Once it completed, final installment will be transferred as on the agreement. 

For organizations or individual who are interested please submit
the proposal to:
BTampubolon@ uk
With the proposal submission deadline: February 24, 2012. 

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