
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Canadian Red Cross Vavancy - Community Engagement Engineer

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelter construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2005. We are also implementing Livelihood, Environmental Health and Disaster Preparedness Management programs to help families and communities to improve their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates to fill the following position on a fixed term contract basis.

Community Recovery Engineers - Ref. Code: CRE
Based in Banda Aceh & Aceh Jaya

Scope of Work

The Community Recovery Engineer reports to the Field Area Manager or Livelihoods Program Manager to support the community grants program by providing technical review and quality control for community managed projects related to small-scale construction and infrastructure

Key Responsibility

· Assist communities with preparing project plans, designs, materials estimations and budgets. Assist in setting up and maintaining work files and detailed records, including Activity Summaries, site plans, location maps, project budgets and schedules.

· Work with CRC community recovery officers and target communities to determine the feasibility of infrastructure and construction projects.

· Monitor and evaluate appropriate implementation and quality of technical projects against program objectives, construction standards and community grant agreements.

· Assist community committees in liaising with government to obtain access to resources, appropriate permits and registration for building and other construction related projects.

· Ensure all implementation plans employ a programming approach that integrates the needs of other sectors of work;

· Review technical designs, materials estimates and budgets for infrastructure and public buildings;

· Monitor materials, equipment and supplies for technical work;

· Ensure that local permits and licenses have been obtained.

· Document and communicate project planning, progress and results

· Share skills with colleagues, partner organizations and other IRC teams

· Participates in/Animates training workshops

· Reviews community grants purchase requests as needed and insures adherence to procurement procedures and ensures that community grants infrastructure project materials, tools, equipment and vehicles are efficiently used

· Provides information to CRC Administration, Logistics, and Finance Departments as requested to ensure smooth operations and tracking/identifyin g infrastructure assets

· Ensure positive interaction and good relations with partner organizations

· Uphold mission, values and spirit of CRC; follow and enforce all CRC codes of conduct and policies (worldwide and in-country); report any violations to appropriate IRC authority, and participate in preventative initiatives

· Provides accurate project progress information to Field Area Manager/Livelihoods Manager


· University degree in civil/environmental engineering or related field.

· Minimum of 4 years professional work experience.

· Experience working in field, supervising work teams and managing staff

· Understanding of local construction standards, government permits and licensing.

· Computer literate (Microsoft Word, Excel and e-mail) is a must; CAD and database experience are assets

· Fluency in English, spoken and written preferred, basic level required

· Fluency in Acehnese language is an asset

· Ability to work under pressure in a potentially unstable security environment

· Self motivated, honest, highly responsible, and punctual

· Ability to work as part of a team as well as to work autonomously when required

· To be able to use initiative and make appropriate decisions

Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Only candidate meeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered. Applications must be received by Friday, November 16, 2007. Canadian Red Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations.

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